Sunday, August 02, 2009
Previous Posts
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Global Problems, Local Solutions
From now on we will be working from here:
So what are you waiting for? Click on the link to check it out!
Monday, March 03, 2008
Notebook Check
Homework for the final:
1. If you haven't already brought your poster to class please do so.
2. Plan out who is going to say what during your presentation to the class during the final exam block.
Good luck!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Poster Feedback
HOMEWORK: organize your notes for a notebook quiz on Monday in class.
1.What did you learn from doing a project that you couldn't have learned just from taking a test?
How to present material in an effective way
We got to look up the information.
Got a little bit better at looking stuff up on line.
I probably learned something new everyday.
How to do a bibliography.
We had to teach ourselves
Once we got our feet wet, we wanted to learn about our topic
I had to spend so much time on this, I’m going to remember this forever
You knew a lot more then by just taking a test
Really work on it, rather than just listening or taking notes.
Taught you that you have to be organized and have your stuff together, if you don’t it will screw you over.
2. What would you do differently?
Plan ahead – all the work, dividing up what you are going to do
Buy a poster on time
Map things out before you start to glue things
Take advantage of class time
Be more creative on poster
Better use of blank space
Get a bit more done right off the bat, because I definitely procrastinated a bit
Spending more time on it overall.
3. What advice would you give for next year's class?
Do GMO’s.
Be neat with the poster and presenting
Try to finish the project 3 days before it’s due, so you have time to work on the minor details.
Don’t be scared of presenting
Make sure you pick a topic that you think you can find a lot of information for.
Be brave and pick a topic you don’t know anything about so you can learn something.
Don’t wait till the last second
Follow the deadlines
Actually use the summary tables
Schedule your time properly
Have fun with it.
Congratulations! You all should be very proud of the work you did.
Ms. Metzler said, "Great job to the Biology students in Ms. Saxe and Mrs. Joslin's classes! The Poster Session this evening was awesome. I learned a lot from your posters and by speaking with you all about your projects. Fantastic idea! We should do this more often!"
“I can’t just guess on my poster, I actually have to know the information. It’s not multiple choice.” – Lindsey B.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Working Draft due on Monday
Your preparedness will count as a quiz grade (outstanding/satisfactory/unsatisfactory).
An outstanding grade means that in addition to having all of the work, it is typed, grammatically correct and there are no spelling errors.
A satisfactory grade means that you have all of the sections and they are typed, however hey could use some spelling, grammar and content revisions.
An unsatisfactory grade means any of the following: do not have all the sections
...the work is not typed
Working on Summary Statements
Today and tomorrow during long block students worked on their summary statements for their project. I will review the statements tonight and you will finalize them in the next class.
What is a summary statement?
This should be 7-10 sentences describing your issue, what are the key issues, what might the future look like for your issue. This must be an original statement. Below is a problem statement on domestic violence from:
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Discussion on the future of genetic technology
As a result of the discussion, and extra credit opportunity arose:
Look up the views on Stem Cells, for Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, Mike Huckabee and John McCain, write them down and bring it to class. It is not enough just to say a candidate supports stem cells, you must state their position and WHERE the information came from. See example:
Mitt Romney: "The governor said that he opposes "the creation of new human embryos for the purpose of research" and his aides indicated he would support criminal penalties for researchers who use new human embryos." From: The Boston Globe, Feb. 11, 2005
Please bring a laptop if you have one!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Prep for discussion & group meetings
Homework: complete the discussion sheet and make sure you write an opening statement.