Today and tomorrow during long block students worked on their summary statements for their project. I will review the statements tonight and you will finalize them in the next class.
What is a summary statement?
This should be 7-10 sentences describing your issue, what are the key issues, what might the future look like for your issue. This must be an original statement. Below is a problem statement on domestic violence from:
Not long ago, what happened within the home was considered to be a private, family matter and was excluded from scrutiny by the public. During the last two decades, there has been an increase in awareness of the seriousness of child abuse and neglect, spouse/partner abuse, and elder abuse not only as critical societal problems but as crimes. As a result, there has been an increase in the use of the criminal process in addressing family and domestic violence. National incidence reports and research studies reveal the dramatic increase in family violence and the increasing tendency to respond to the problem not only as crime within the family but also as the prevention of crime outside the family.