Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Projects and returning the quizzes.
So the next logical question is: How can I raise my grade?
Answer: Do a really great job on your project. You will be working on it again in class today and on Thursday. I will also be available for extra help if you would like to practice your presentation on Thursday night in Moore House.
Homework: Work on your presentations.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Macromolecules Posters Links
Macromolecule Glossary
Macromolecules Overview
Macromolecule Projects
What is a macromolecule? Well, break it up: Macro = big. Molecule = made up of atoms held together by chemical bonds.
Student Responsibilities
1. Read your assigned section of Chapter 5 in your textbook
2. With your partner, prepare a 15 minute presentation of your section
3. With your partner, prepare a poster that highlights the important concepts and vocabulary in your section. This should include text and pictures/diagrams. Make these artistic, neat, and informative; they will be on display in the classroom.
4. Make vocabulary cards of your section for the rest of the members of the class.
5. Create a handout for your classmates. You have been emailed a handout template.
6. Present your section on the Molecules of Life to the class.
You will be assessed by your teacher and your peers (in your group) on:
-your presentation
-your poster
-your vocabulary cards
-your ability to work in a group
-your contributions to the group effort
Homework: Read your assigned section and BRING NOTES TO CLASS on your section.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Quiz and Review of the Lab Reports
"What? This lab report is sooo long! Last year it took me like three minutes to write a lab report."

Handouts: sample lab report on brightly colored paper and the updated lab rubric on yellow paper.
Today we compared student's lab reports to the sample and we learned that writing lab reports will take more than 15 minutes. Never fear, next week you will have a project on macromolecules to work on and the following week you will have another chance to write a lab report.
Homework: none. Enjoy homecoming weekend. Please bring your books to class on Monday.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Blue Planet
Homework: study for your quiz on osmosis, diffusion, cell membranes, membrane functions, concentration gradients and the scientific method. To link to a list of the vocabulary that you need to know for the quiz, click here.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Parents Weekend!
Homework: Study all of your vocab cards for a test on Friday when you return.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Biology Board Games
Objective: Make biology board games to review and to play with your parents & grandparent tomorrow.
Homework: finish your board game and bring in dice.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Eggsperiment Lab Write Up
Today we reviewed each section of a scientific paper and the do's and don'ts for each section. Here's a quick summary:
* Write your section headings in bold and center them on the page (ex):
* List at least three sources of errors in the discussion section.
* Type the lab report
* Use the rubric (check your email)
* Have a numerical list of the steps in the procedure or list of materials
* Use the first person "I, My" etc..
Have you "misplaced" the guide to writing scientific papers? Click here for the more elaborate version online.
Each person must turn in his/her own lab report, IN CLASS ON THURSDAY.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Eggsperiment Data
All classes should complete analysis questions 1-5.
Eggsperiment Results
Complete eggsperiment observations, data collection and analysis questions.
Today students looked at their eggs after they had been sitting in "secret" solutions over the weekend. Students will complete a data table using data from both E and F blocks.
Homework: Complete analysis questions 1-5 on the back of the lab sheet.
Friday, October 12, 2007
What's the eggsperiment? Students used large chicken eggs which had the shell removed using vinegar, revealing a cell membrane. The eggs are then placed in various "secret" solutions of water, sucrose, table sugar and/or corn syrup. The eggs sit over the weekend and on Monday students will be able to see if osmosis and/or diffusion has occurred.
Homework: none.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Membranes regulate the traffic of molecules
The plan:
complete reading quiz
finish membrane protein function notes
fill in guided notes on osmosis and diffusion
Make Flash Cards for the 17 following words/concepts:
1. Phospholipid Bilayer
2. hydrophobic
3. hydrophilic
4. Components of a cell membrane (phospholipid bilayer, proteins, carbohydrates)
5. Four functions of membrane proteins (enzyme activity, cell-cell recognition, cell signaling, transport of materials)
6. Diffusion
7. Osmosis
8. Equilibrium
9. Passive Transport
10. Facilitated Diffusion
11. Hypertonic Solution
12. Isotonic Solution
13. Hypotonic Solution
14. Active Transport
15. Vesicle
16. Exocytosis
17. Endocytosis
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Cell Membrane Structure

Today we had our first reading quiz of the year! Something that is likely to happen more often. Students needed to answer five questions about the reading and could use any notes they had taken. What did we learn from this experience?
"I guess I should have taken notes."
"I should have written down the homework."
Tonight's homework: If you haven't read section 6.3 read it and be ready for a reading quiz.
Extra Credit: Find the answers to "What happens if you get the wrong type of blood? How long can you live with the wrong type of blood?"
Monday, October 08, 2007
Lab Report Rubric
Component | Criteria | Max. Points | Points Earned |
Title | Includes the environmental factors that were manipulated, the parameter that was measured and the specific organism that was studied. | 5 | |
Introduction | Includes the observation and question that led to the hypothesis, any relevant background information and the hypothesis. | 5 | |
Materials and Methods | Describes (not lists) how the experiment was conducted. The equipment used in the experiment is NOT listed, instead is part of the narrative. If well-known methods were used without changes, simply name the methods (e.g., standard microscopic techniques). | 5 | |
Results | Here the researcher presents summarized data for inspection using narrative text and, where appropriate, tables and figures to display summarized data. Only the results are presented. No interpretation of the data or conclusions about what the data might mean are given in this section. | 5 | |
Formatting of tables or graphs | All tables or graphs have titles and a description explaining what is presented. | 5 | |
Discussion | Here, the researcher interprets the data in terms of any patterns that were observed. The author should include any explanations of how the results differed from those hypothesized. Include at least 3 sources of error. | 5 | |
Conclusion | This section simply states what the researcher thinks the data mean, and, as such, should relate directly back to the problem/question stated in the introduction. | 5 | |
Acknowledgements | In this section you should give credit to people who have helped you with the research or with writing the paper. If your work has been supported by a grant, you would also give credit for that in this section. | 5 | |
Literature Cited | This section lists, in alphabetical order by author, all published information that was referred to anywhere in the text of the paper. It provides the readers with the information needed should they want to refer to the original literature on the general problem. | 5 | |
Spelling & Grammar | Report is free from spelling and grammatical errors. | 5 | |
Total Points | | 50 | |
Quiz on Cell Parts
You also had a quiz on the parts of the cell, scientific method and microscope skills.
Homework: re-read section 6.2 and read section 6.3
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Plant Cell Wet Lab
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Chapter 6 vocabulary part 1
19 words
Section 6.1
Cell Theory
Prokaryotic Cell
Eukaryotic Cell
Section 6.1 & Class notes
Plasma Membrane
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Golgi body
Class Notes / Mini-lab Vocabulary
Amino Acid
Cell Parts Continued
Homework: Click here to use the interactive cells alive animation to answer the questions on the worksheet.

E block also did a mini lab to look at their own cheek cells using microscopes and methlyene blue.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
1. Explain the three parts of cell theory
2. Differentiate between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
3. Begin to identify organelles (cell parts) and their functions
Using a hand out on cell parts, students worked to create analogies between cell parts and their functions.
Homework: Read section 6.1 and answer the concept check questions on page 114. Read section 6.2 and answer the questions on page 117.
If you did not make the flash cards for last week, you still need to do that!