Friday, October 12, 2007


Objective: 1. Conduct the first half of the eggsperiment. 2. Complete the notebook quiz.

What's the eggsperiment? Students used large chicken eggs which had the shell removed using vinegar, revealing a cell membrane. The eggs are then placed in various "secret" solutions of water, sucrose, table sugar and/or corn syrup. The eggs sit over the weekend and on Monday students will be able to see if osmosis and/or diffusion has occurred.

Homework: none.
Pictures from the eggsperimentLong and Madison collect their egg.

Leo and Flash make primary observations of their egg.

Kirsten and Emily find the initial mass of their egg.

Lindsey and Morgan work on their "secret" solution.

Max and Patt work on their "secret" solutions.

E Blocks eggs. The control is the egg on the far left.

F Blocks eggs. The control is the egg on the far left.