Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Cell Membrane Structure

Objective: 1. Learn the composition of the cell membrane. 2. Be able to explain how substances enter and leave the cell (the role that proteins play in the cell membrane).

Today we had our first reading quiz of the year! Something that is likely to happen more often. Students needed to answer five questions about the reading and could use any notes they had taken. What did we learn from this experience?
"Ugh, I should have done the reading."
"I guess I should have taken notes."
"I should have written down the homework."

Student were given their midterm progress reports with a total of 23 assignments so far!

Tonight's homework: If you haven't read section 6.3 read it and be ready for a reading quiz.

Extra Credit: Find the answers to "What happens if you get the wrong type of blood? How long can you live with the wrong type of blood?"