Objective: Students will watch two video clips, one video that glorifies GMO's (by none other than Monsanto) and one that highlights potentially negative aspects of GMO's. They will answer a series of questions on the videos and have a discussion. At the end of class, students will write an opinion statement on the videos.
Below are some of the opinion statements from both classes.
GM foods are not a bad thing in my opinion. These foods should be labeled however. Labeling these foods is very important. People who have allergies or are vegetarians need to know exactly what they are eating. ~ Nick C.
I think that GM foods should not be allowed in the U.S. They're combined with different genes to be resistant to certain elements. For example, artic char genes are combined with strawberries to make that resistant to frost. GMO's are not good for us and should be banned from the U.S. market. ~ Molly M.
I believe that Monsanto is just doing this for the money. The first video is just fibbing about the truth. I think that putting fish genes in strawberries and firefly genes in corn is disgusting. I don't understand why they have to modify foods just to make a quick buck. I totally agree with the second video. ~ Will K.